Q: can i just meet you at your location?
A: no, we are 100% mobile. we come to you!
Q: can a friend of mine at the same location be added to the booking?
A: yes, it will be an additional $20.00, you can also book under Group: 5 or less
Q: what are the basic styles I can get?
A: basic styles are as follow: round, turban, knot or fan
Q:are you available on Sunday or Wednesday?
A: no. however, if the time permits and for an additional booking fee we maybe able to work something out.
Q: do you do pre-tied gele?
A: i can do them please refer to pre-tied gele policy
Q; what happens to my deposit if i cancel or need to reschedule?
A: all deposits are non-refundable. if you cancel or reschedule forty-eight (48) hours prior to appointment then the deposit will be used towards a future booking within 1 year of the original appointment date. after 1 year, the deposit is forfeited.
Q: do you have a certificate of insurance (coi)?
A: no, i do not have certificate of insurance.
Q: can i book you to tie the gele of guest that are attending my event?
A: yes, per policy the services are to be rendered at a venue i require a private room. The specific number of guest must be known at booking. The price is the price and i am not open to negotiating with guest on the price.